… or simply “14 juillet” as the French say! Just to brush up on everyone’s French history, the 14
th of July commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789, which marks the French peoples’ very first victory against this symbol of the oppressive “Ancien Regime”, and the beginning of the French Revolution. The first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille wasn’t actually celebrated until 2 years later, on the 14
th of July 1790, and this day did not become an official French National holiday until 1880! France has now celebrated this triumphant and patriotic day every year for over a century with military parades and ceremonies, fireworks, balls – and of course, La Marseillaise!

Now just because the French get today off from work to celebrate and be merry does not mean that we here in the States can’t celebrate La France as well! Set the atmosphere “a la Francaise”: listen to La Marseillaise (go ahead, just look it up on YouTube!) or some classic French tunes- Edith Piaf, anyone? Go grab a baguette and some cheese, or go somewhere French like Le Pain Quotidien (well, they’re Belgian… but it’s close enough for our purposes, right?!). And tonight - le 14 juillet is a great excuse to have a little get-together, pop open some champagne, or just enjoy some French cheese, paté, and wine!
Vive la France!