Monday, February 8, 2010

Quest For Complexion Perfection


I’d like to say that I have perfect skin; that is until I entered my mid-twenties. Who knew that I’d develop blocked pores (hello blackheads!), an oily t-zone (hence the huge zits that sometimes spontaneously develop on my nose overnight) and the beginnings of sagging eyelids (which I didn’t even notice that I had until after attending a beauty editor event a couple of months ago! Ew.) And, of course, the list could go on and on because, after all, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to finding my flaws and imperfections. Now, there are those that are reading this that may be thinking “Mid twenties?! Just wait until you get to (insert way older age here)!” However, I can honestly say that I’m not a psycho crazy person when it comes to caring for my semi-perfect skin. I certainly don’t plan on having multiple plastic surgeries in the hopes of creating a “new” perfect me (like faux celebrity Heidi Klum). With that said, I’d like to know what are some of the craziest, off the wall things that you’ve done in your quest to achieve perfect skin? Mine would definitely have to be the time I used hemorrhoid cream around my eyes to prevent crow’s feet (a tip that I received from a former beauty pageant queen). Let us know! We’d love to read your stories.

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